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This is the new way to support new writing.


What you are buyng is a subscription to a work in progress.

The author has been trying to write his Motorcycle Memoirs but has hit a severe writer’s block. He says he’s not certain there is enough interest in his material to merit further input.

“The Motorcycle Diaries”, are currently running at 30,000 words or 54 pages of A4 (including illustrations) and cover a period from1966 to today.

You can pre-read small parts of it at the Deacon's blog here.

We would like to offer you the current draft on a permanent subscriber basis.

Buy the current draft and you will be entitled to any and all further updates as and when they are produced – for life!


You will also be able to bear witness to the creative process as you see the changes taking place and the narrative filling out and unfolding.

You will be added to our Motorcycle Diary updates mailing list and updated versions will be sent to you automatically. You will even be encouraged to comment if you feel so inclined.

We feel that, with enough uptake, this offer will encourage the author to get off his backside and start writing again.

Thank you for reading.

Very best wishes,


ECRP Company Secretary


The Motorcycle Diaries

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    © 2017 by East Coast Road Productions

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