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ECRP is a small multi-media production company dedicated to the proposition that human communication, for all the randomness of its inception, is, if nothing else, a dramatic opportunity. 


Clearly, humans have consciousness, but only as individuals.  Whether the species as a whole has consciousness depends on the extent to which its individuals can communicate; the extent to which they can exchange and empathise with each other's experiences of consciousness.


ECRP has a commitment to:

  • taking this potential for exchange to the furthest possible limits,

  • trying then to push out the envelope of the collective conscious, 

  • seeing what happens...... 

Please feel free to join our "Occasional News" mailing list. Never miss an occasional update.

Please Note: We will NEVER release customer contact details to third parties.

PLEASE NOTE that we also have shops at our "Sister Sites"​.


Our non-digital products are not yet directly available from this, our main shop.  We hope to revise this in due course, but in the meantime please feel free to access our "physical" items from the links under "Our Sister Sites".


The links will take you directly to the products and they will be sent to you from those shops.  The items are produced immediately "on demand".


Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.


Soon come, our

latest Audio Files


Soon come, Cards

from Padoodle


© 2017 by East Coast Road Productions

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